Dr. Strange: Into the Multiverse gives us a taste of Wanda becoming the latest big-bad villain of the MCU series. (Like you, I thought she had realized "the error of her ways" at the end of WandaVision, instead of doubling down.) I'm okay with Wanda becoming the newest villain of the MCU, but I didn't like how it was executed in this film. She's almost unrecognizable as the timid Wanda Maximoff we had first met in Phase 1. Even though WandaVision was supposed to explain her motivations, her role in the bloodthirsty horror sequences make it difficult to feel like she can be redeemed at this point. Even her "redemption" near the end of the movie didn't feel as though Wanda had actually learned her lesson. WandaVision did a much better job of conveying her grief. I really wish they had just let her character learn her lesson from the show, instead of shabbily repeating the plotpoint in a major MCU film. If future MCU films are going the feature The Scarlet Witch as its villain, I hope they really take the time to reconsider her role in the universe.