What’s With This Fantastic Mr. Fox Scene?

Nishna Makala
5 min readFeb 21, 2023

One of the most confusing scenes ties the entire movie together.

On the brink of second semester of my junior year of high school, I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox on a whim. It was not a nostalgia-induced compulsion — I never even watched the movie. To me, it felt obligatory. I mean, it’s pop culture served in a tin can. It’s Wes Anderson. It’s George Clooney. It’s Meryl Streep. It’s all of the big names of Hollywood whose unimaginable talents and unique visions have breathed life into the beating heart of modern cinema.

And, yeah. It was pretty good. Maybe a bit crude with the rough unfurnished look of the clay figurines on-screen and the damn constant cussing swearing.

But there was this odd scene near its resolution. Mr. Fox is riding off on his motorcycle across the country road in victory after saving Kristofferson, Kylie, and Ash as they finally outwit the villainous trio of farmers. As he rides, Kylie warns Fox, “Don’t turn around.” Fox stops in the middle of the road anyway. Across the road, the golden, earthy-tones plains turn to snow-covered mountains dotted with coniferous pines. Atop a cliff, a wild, grey wolf silently stares at Mr. Fox.



Nishna Makala

An college student with a passion for film and writing